Anatomy of 1941 ES-300 Electric Pickup
The following page is dedicated to the break-down of an early '41/42 ES-300 pickup. For the full specifics on the evolution of the electric pickup, please see 'History of the Electric Pickup'. This unit is the 2nd version of an early P-90. The first version can be seen on the 'long slant' 1940 ES-300. This 2nd version can be seen on the 'short slant' 1941-1943 ES-300 and the 1940-'42 EH-150 (also the EH185 '40-'42, EH250 '40 and EH275 '40-'41) models.
The slant pickup that you will see on this page has been something I have waited a long time to break apart. Up until now, I have read numerous articles on how these early pickups were made, but have never seen photos of the inner workings.
The evolution of the electric pickup is fascinating. The following photos will take you from top-to-bottom of one of the most important milestones of the time. From the evolution of the bulky 'Charlie Christian' bar magnets, to the introduction of smaller, more powerful ALNICO magnets, these photos will hopefully give you a glimpse into a very important time in the evolution of the electric pickup.