Above is an original framed photo of an early Gibson Mandolin Orchestra. Note the Style F mandolins are seated left, while the Style A's are seated right.
1908 Elevated Pickguard (1st year the pickguard was not flush against the body)
1924 Gibson Catalog O
Above and below are two turn of the century ads for the Glee and Mandolin Clubs at the University of Oregon. Above is a large thick cardstock ad. Below is a smaller postcard size ad for 1907-08.
1908 Inner Label Picture of Gibson Founder, Orville Gibson (1908/09 the label changed and the Orville photo has never reappeared)
Early Inlaid 'Handel Tuners'
Reverse Side (note the pointed edge on the right 'bass' side was removed from all F style mandolins in 1910. The bass side remains smooth up to present-day models)
1910 Catalog G (note this F-2 mandolin is missing the 3rd point on the bass side, unlike the 1908 F-2 shown above)
1910 Catalog G Description of F-2 Mandolin 'Artist Model'
1910 Catalog G 'EVERY ONE A GIBSON-ITE' Phrase used up to the 1930's. Note, the mandolin player on the right playing earlier mandolin with 3 points on the mandolin body.
This site will continually be updated over the next few years. Over the long-haul, I have managed to collect lots of Gibson pre-war ephemera and historical items. I
really enjoy adding pieces and hope that each item will help to shed more light on the early years of Gibson......in the meantime, enjoy the site and let me know what you think in the comment
Keep checking back. This is a busy year for me and as I get back to myinflightschedule
(April 8, 2015) I will have A LOT of new prewar items from my collection that I will be sharing........also, don't forget to post a note in the Guestbook about your thoughts on this site!